This application currently contains 6 "things" I find useful. I keep this application open in the background (yes I have enough memory) and use its parts whenever I need them. They are each explained under their respective topics. Click each of the icons on the left in turn to find out more about them. I particularly like the colors possible.
This application is also shareware. If you find yourself using it regularly (like me), then please (i) send your suggestions to me for its improvement, (ii) send a token of your appreciation, eg $15 to me at the address list below. I know this is steep, but its all the publishers of any such software would ever give me anyway! If I get enough interest (not in the $ sense), then I will make changes a la recommendations, but since this version suits me fine, I am loathe to work hard on it without due motivation.
Please enjoy it and feel free to circulate it to any one, as long as you keep this help system and its attendant notices intact. Of course, this application may not be sold, packaged commercially or otherwise distributed for financial gain without first consulting with me. Specifically, I am:
David Darby, WhiteAnt Occasional Publishing
Current address: c/- 69 Saco St, Newton, MA, 02164
Please note: this software uses FaceWare extensively. If you haven't heard of FaceWare and want to write Mac software quickly, then contact them at once in Illinois on 217-328-5842 (you can get their address from me too).